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Accessibility statement


Our Commitment to Accessibility

NFP is committed to making our website easy to use for everyone. Accessibility and usability – for those with disabilities and those without – are important elements of how we design, develop and maintain our site.

Our commitment includes ongoing efforts to meet the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 at level AA or better. Our focus on continuously improving accessibility also aligns with our commitment to building systems and cultures of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging that empower all of our stakeholders to succeed.

Please be aware that includes links to third-party websites not created or maintained by NFP employees. These sites may not meet applicable accessibility standards and NFP disclaims any responsibility for such third-party links or websites.

If you have any questions or feedback – or if you experience any difficulty finding or engaging with the site (viewing, navigating, interacting) – please contact our team. Also, if you feel the site’s content or functionality do not align with our stated accessibility commitment, we’d like to know so we can better understand the issue and work toward a solution. Again, our commitment includes being open to suggestions for improvement.

Here are some tips that may enhance your experience on

Browser Use

  • Use the most current version of your web browser
  • Maximize your browser window
  • Zoom in to make reading easier

Navigating When Using a Screen Reader

  • Navigate by headings
  • Use table reading commands

Additional Resources